Thursday 31 July 2008

Know Thyself

Is it possible that when we try to perfect ourselves, try to improve ourselves by learning a skill or aiming for mastery, that our effort is counter productive?

I used to think that I had no 'catholic guilt', but when I didn't train, or things didn't go the way I wanted them, or some small thing happened like I missed the last post, I got frustrated. I should say I GET frustrated, because this is the way it is for me, right now. It's really very stupid but this is how I have become.

And these insights can be so hard for us to see, to see ourselves, know ourselves. It's taken my girlfriend knowing me so well to let me know these things, and it's a bitter pill to take.

Accepting ourselves for how we are - lazy, over-analytical, judgemental, introverted, not good at making friends... Maybe this is the true way towards perfection, acceptance. then again maybe I'm still trying to be perfect or just over analysing things.

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