Wednesday 5 November 2008

Confusion, Grounded, Beauty

Phew, its becoming really hard to have things to write. I've been noticing alot in my training but its not things I can disclose or would want to at this stage. Suffice to say that sometimes the training is more about self, and can be difficult to understand let alone convey.

Tonight I was told that I am grounding well, or at least that I'm better than I was, or that I ground better than one might expect. I'm happy about this, compliments are nice. But I can't really bring myself to believe it, I'd rather believe that it needs much more work. Of course it does, and not being complacent I can keep at it. I wonder what has made the difference though? Is it a mental shift to being 'grounded' that I've made? Or have I become more flexible? or what??

Also, had fun tonight with basic practice, press, and an un-named technique. All in all we seem to be concentrating far less on techniques and trying to do something, achieve something. We spend much more time looking at the relationship and how small change mean big changes, so we talk about foot positions and weight changes and compression into this and that... Its all fun training.

This un-named technique - its beautiful, so simple and so effective, like a Judo throw with zero effort, you simply have to be thrown there is no other option. It is beautiful to watch, graceful to perform and both scary and beautiful to be thrown. Its movements like this that I love about Cheng Hsin. When something just is, and like a wave or a sunrise, is just perfect in its organic unfolding.