displays his incredible ability to control the movement of his opponent, primarily by using superior positioning, yielding skills and impeccable timing. This is what sold me, and opened up new avenues of thought about blending with an opponent.http://dojorat.blogspot.com/2008/06/rethinking-cheng-hsin.html
Thursday, 19 June 2008
New article link: "Re-thinking Cheng Hsin"
Monday, 16 June 2008
Japan workshops 2009
February 11th - 13th 2009 http://newsevent.somatic-systems.com/?eid=719252
February 14th - 22nd 2009 http://newsevent.somatic-systems.com/?eid=729285
Hungarian Translations
An article by Klaus-Heinrich Peters
To me it seems like a simplistic description:
Ralston used his experience in Karate and other striking arts to make a Cheng Hsin style which would enable its students to deal with Karatekas and other strikers.It's suggestive that the author of the article may themselves be a Karateka. Its another interesting perspective.
A Cheng Hsin training day review
Mark Walsh has written a review of his experiences of it for his own blog. You can find the review here:
Holland Camp 2008
I'm not sure about the prices, and it's short notice now.
Swansea UK Camp 2008
Since 2000, Peter's yearly visits to the UK have turned into a tradition. His unorthodox approach and no-nonsense teaching style have made him a favourite of experienced martial artists and newcomers alike. He is an authority in his field, the Muhammad Ali of the internal martial arts. After years of intense investigation of his own mind, body, and the martial arts, this former full-contact free-fight world champion founded the Cheng Hsin School of internal martial arts.The essence of all his teachings is relaxation and understanding the internal principles, both mentally and physically. Through an elucidating progression of lessons Peter shares with students the foundations of his high level of skill.
Seven days of working on the principles and techniques of effective internal martial arts according to the insights of Peter through the study of Cheng Hsin T’ui Shou, a dynamic blend of Tai Chi, Pa Kua and Aikido with uprooting, throwing, footwork, and lots of internal work on relaxation, out-reaching, intention, balance and freeing up ineffective mental patterns. A great workshop, enjoyed by Aikido enthusiasts and Chinese internal martial artists alike.This workshop will give you the principles of an internal martial art. True relaxation combined with body alignment is fundamental to the arts of Cheng Hsin. Intrinsic strength in which no muscle contraction is needed or wanted. Grounding, balance, moving from the centre of the body and being whole and total are some of the topics. The influence of body awareness and ”energy” work will also be explored. In addition to martial enthusiasts, people as diverse as dancers, musicians, body workers and even chefs have found this work to be helpful for increasing body awareness and skill.
Mini set and the short set of 64 moves. The accent lies on how the Cheng Hsin Principles (relaxation grounding, centring, being calm and being whole and total) express themselves within the form. Peter is very precise and patient in repeating and correcting.
It is possible to enlist without any knowledge of Tai Chi Chuan.
Prices for various parts of the camp range from £99 for 3 evenings (4.5 hours total) to £575 for the whole week (was £480 if paid before 07/03/08).
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Taiji Mini Set
You can't actually learn just by looking a these static images but they are a guide.
There is actually a video on Youtube of someone doing the set, but really really badly:
The website bullshido asks tough questions. It's too easy and habitual to be defensive, much harder to accept and contemplate statements like these:
If your in this area and looking for a place to train... look elsewhere...... this guy is a chump... a serious poser. unless you want westernized enlighenment camp... head to a real gym.http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=49702
Principles of Effortless Power - A Review
I came away from these books feeling that Ralston may be better as a Guru demonstrating direct transmission of knowledge to students in a Dojo format. His knowledge is deep and he is a skilled martial artist.It's also interesting to read some of the comments
I actually was a member of the Cheng-hsin school in Oakland, CA. in 1985. You're right - Ralston is no slouch. I sparred with him once and his top people were also top-notch instructors. That said, I have two issues with his school. First, they were very steeped in a very New Age Encounter Group atmosphere. The school tended to attract a lot of those types, too. It seemed pretty cultish to me.http://dojorat.blogspot.com/2007/12/review-cheng-hsin-principles-of.html
Essentially its just 5 quotes about Cheng Hsin, but its another interesting place to begin.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Peter Ralston's Fight/Play DVD - a review
"In brief, this DVD is one of the most impressive displays of skill I’ve seen."